100, Eliezer Tristan Publishing, Getting Published, Interview, Mental Health, Playlists, support your locals

Let’s talk!

Hello all you fine purveyors of this wondrous wedge of fancy internet cheese! Today’s entry will be short, as it’s your from-time-to-time reminder that yes, I am available for print and web interviews, podcasts, appearances, and all forms of pimpin’ myself out to the general population for the sake of 100, talking about mental health, and generally being #NorbAF in a world that wants to cram everyone into certain boxes.

This morning greeted us with the arrival of an interview I did recently with Hawk & Young about precisely nearly everything I just mentioned in the previous paragraph. I really enjoyed doing it and I hope you feel the same when reading it…you can find it here at Interview of Norb Aikin.

Hope you don’t mind me being proud of or sharing my accomplishments. It’s a big deal to some and a bigger deal to me, because I honestly haven’t felt this good about practically anything in a long, long time before this happened. I made something tangible that is out and circulating around the world…something that isn’t just a website or a blog entry or a poem that sits in a notebook on my shelf. It’s real, and I have to support it. I know a lot of writers call their books their “baby” and I’m kinda not down with that analogy but whatever works for them is fine and I get it; I don’t have kids to be proud of and I’m not a pet owner but this is something I’ve done that’s become bigger and better beyond my wildest (and modest) expectations and you’re gott-damm right I’mma celebrate it as much as I can (without, hopefully, makin’ y’all sick of me). I’m just trying to make the best use of my time now with something I do better than mostly everything else I’ve done in life. Let me have this!! 

Ok, my mini-rant is over, so let’s break outta here on this beautiful Sunday with a little conversational playlist, aaa-iiight?

  • Mudhoney, “Between Me & You Kid”
  • The Flaming Lips, “Talkin’ ‘Bout The Smiling Deathporn Immortality Blues (Everyone Wants To Live Forever)”
  • Girlpope, “That’s A Good Question”
  • Elliott Smith, “I Can’t Answer You Anymore”
  • Moneen, “What Did You Say?…I’m Sorry, My Eyes Are On Fire”
  • The Tragically Hip, “Hot Mic”
  • Atmosphere, “Say Hey There”
  • The Get Up Kids, “Conversation”
  • A Tribe Called Quest, “Can I Kick It?”
  • Deftones, “When Girls Telephone Boys”
  • The Strokes, “Ask Me Anything”
  • Aesop Rock, “Kill The Messenger”

Ok y’all…and just so you know, that playlist is random based on the songs I can shuffle through my iTunes library (first come, first posted), so don’t read anything more into it than what it is, kay? Thanks. Now, there’s a Sabres game coming on soon so I’m gonna get away from here for a little bit. Remember: Please like and share the Hawk & Young interview on your social media vice(s) of choice and remember that I’m always here for you whenever/wherever you need me (physical and mental state willing)…your boy over here has a book to promote and can use all the help you can give! Thanks, and peace!!

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